The Before and After

We host all of our classes in the Chiostro di San Agostino in Salemi, built in the 1400s. Check out these before and after photos of the work that went in to transform the space.

Transforming this space took a lot of work, but was a beautiful collaboration with the local Comune (municipality) who lended incredible assistance to get the building ready.

Previously, it was used as a council space to manage and process documents and help people deal with processing their local business matters.

The building was full of old furniture, and because the Comune had already moved out, it was mouldy and in desperate need of some painting.

The space transformation took place over a period of just two weeks, and just look how it came out!

And now with people inside, look how it’s come to life. The sounds of the classes - chatter and laughter mixed in with instruction - are now pouring out of the wheel room, and morning teas and lunches are now happening in the gorgeous courtyard…